“Access Success for Ukrainians” project

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>

JA Bulgaria in close partnership with Manpower Bulgaria is launching the “Access Success for Ukrainians” project. The project is aimed at supporting Ukrainian refugees in Bulgaria re-enter the world of work quickly. Our accelerated employability program reduces the frustration of looking for a job in a foreign country by matching candidates to the most suitable jobs for them and facilitating the first contact between jobseekers and employers.  

Young Ukrainian professionals, students as well as displaced workers with experience, who need support in a new environment will have the opportunity to join our free employment program. Candidates will learn more about the labour market in Bulgaria and develop their work-readiness and entrepreneurial skills thus becoming more competitive and confident to find employment or start their own business.  

The program will begin with a kick-off meeting which will provide detailed information about the project activities. It will include a short session on what the Ukrainian refugees should know about working in Bulgaria and a Q&A session. The meeting will take place on the 28th of July (4pm to 6pm) at the JA Startup Hambar. Online Ukrainian translation will be provided during the event. 

The next steps of the program are as follows: 

1. On the 9th of August the participants will have the opportunity to acquire practice-based skills by taking part in two training sessions led by JA Bulgaria. Online Ukrainian translation will be provided during both sessions: 

A career session focused on creating the perfect CV  

An entrepreneurial session focused on how to start a business in Bulgaria  

2. In mid-August, all participants will be involved in the process of job-specific testing, personality testing, job searching and job matching all of which will be led by experts from Manpower Bulgaria who will give the participants the opportunity to find the best suited job for them. 

3. Following a successful job matching the participants will be involved in job-specific training sessions consisting of up-skilling and re-skilling activities. 

If you are a Ukrainian refugee and would like to join the program, please register HERE!


The ‘Access Success’ project is implemented with the financial support of JA Europe.